Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Story

My story is not unlike many other women who have become before me, but in 1 way it is unique. It is mine. My story starts on Aug. 6th 1984 when i made my grand entrance into the world to my mother June and my Father Tim. I was born by Cesarean section in Blountstown FL. My childhood was pretty normal, about 3 years later my bro Paul joined the family. around age 6-7 my parents starting having problems, associated with my father infidelity and my mom and dad divorced. This is where normal stopped for me. not only because of their divorce, but it had a lot to do with what took place the next 10 years. my mom was now a single mom trying to work and make it. we had some of my dad's family around that would help out. my dad would eventually start getting us for the dreaded weekend visits (in a divorced kids life this is awful.. not because you see your dad, but i believe its too much change). my dad had numerous girl friends during this time. some had kids, some did not. i hated it. i believed my dad should be at my house with his family. later he found a woman who had a daughter and they had a son. so he stayed with her , he is currently still with her. my mom found  a man with no children, along with no morals. he drank alot and would touch me in ways that creeped me out. so the obvious followed.. a sexually deviate step dad who molested me. a dad that started a new family. and as to suit, i started to rebel.

So through a turn of fate, events, whatever - the police showed up at my house and said they had a report that i was in trouble. i told them i was and i got to live with my dad.
that was CRAZY! he had a 2nd child on the way, a pregnant cranky step mom, step sister, and 1/2 bro with ADD. i was also about 12 yrs old at this time and started maturing into a young woman, living with my dad. thats embarassing.
i also started sneaking out, smoking cigarettes, you name it.
One thing that did happen while i lived with my dad was that i started going to church with my bro and sis. while attending the youth class at that church i accepted the Lord as my savior. this is a very important event in my life. now i had a helper. someone who would never leave me. i didnt understand everything involved- but i believe this is what helped me turn my life around (or at least start too).
i gave up on living with my dad, alot of the reason being my lil bro was still living with my mom. so i moved back to little personal hell and it just got worse.
I started trying anything and everything that would make me feel better. Drugs, Alcohol, sex, witchcraft, stealing, lying. Just a FYI here, none of it worked. (going to church every now and then to try and redeem myself - which does not work) but still God never gave up on calling me back. he sent some pretty special in my life to remind me how much he loved me , good people, not the guys i was sleeping with.
through another turn of events (salvation) my friend spent the night one night and told her parents what my step dad was doing and we went to court.
He was arrested FINALLY and i thought my night mare was over! Wrong-O
the damage that had already been done was still there, and felt like it would never leave. i am about 16 at this time.
so i did what any other hurting teenager would do, kept trying to fill that void in my life with more sex, drugs, alcohol, church, guys, etcc.
i did have some faithful friends during this time that i would let in every now and then and sometimes lie to. but they stuck by me too.
the only way i seemed to get any relief was to be around people who loved me without having sex - i only found these people at church. some older ladies and leaders that just loved me like Christ.
So i stuck with these people. (they are too many to name)
i started to mature in my walk with Christ. i still had some left over bad habits and rebellion, but i had a purpose, a vision, a reason. so i took it and RAN
this vision and purpose landed me at college! the best time of my life. i attended the Baptist College of Florida from Aug. 2002 (after H.S. graduation) until May 2007.
my vision and walk matured by leaps and bounds at this time.
and then you know marriage and kid....
and im still working on maturing and growing, finding my place as a mom and wife and working on putting my priorities in order; #1 God #2 My hubby #3 Libby --everything else.
and that you will continue to read on my blog; the rest of the story. .
Opening the Amber

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